1. The Marginal Value of Public Funds: A Brief Guide and Application to Tax Policy (2024)  International Tax and Public Finance (forthcoming)
  2. AI, Automation and Taxation (with D. Waldenström) (2024) forthcoming in the Handbook on Labour Market Transformations edited by Stefano Scarpetta and Stéphane Carcillo, Edward Elgar. [IZA Newsroom] [VoxEU]
  3. How Should Consumption Be Taxed? (with S. Koehne)   FinanzArchiv: European Journal of Public Finance 80(3): 259-302 (2024)
  4. Household Specialization and Competition for Promotion (with L. Dickmanns, T. Giebe and O. Gürtler) (2024)  Review of Economics of the Household (forthcoming)
  5. Taxing the Wealthy: The Choice Between Wealth and Capital Income Taxation (with D. Waldenström) Oxford Review of Economic Policy 39(3): 604-616 (2023) [Part of the issue Taxing the rich (more), eds. İrem Güçeri and Joel Slemrod] [Summary on VoxEU]
  6. Nonlinear Taxation of Income and Education in the Presence of Income-Misreporting [pdf] (with F. Gahvari and L. Micheletto)  Journal of Public Economic Theory 25(4): 679-726 (2023) [Open Access]
  7. Simple Equilibria in General Contests (with T. Giebe and O. Gürtler) [pdf] Games and Economic Behavior 134: 264–280 (2022) [Open Access]
  8. Immigrant-Native Differences in Long-Term Self-Employment [pdf] (with L. Aldén, M. Hammarstedt and C. Miao) Small Business Economics 58: 1661–1697 (2022) [Open Access]
  9. The Ability Gradient in Tax Responsiveness [pdf] (with D. Waldenström) Journal of Public Economics Plus 2 (2021) 100007 [Open Access] Media: Vox EU, FAZ
  10. Perceptions of Inherited Wealth and the Support for Inheritance Taxation [pdf] (with D. Waldenström)  Economica 88(350): 532-569 (2021) [Open Access] Media: Washington Post
  11. The Anatomy of the Extensive Margin Labor Supply Response (with H. Selin and Y. Moberg) [pdf] Scandinavian Journal of Economics 123(1): 33-59 (2021) [Open Access]
  12. Wealth and Inheritance Taxation: Theory and Evidence from the Nordic Countries (with D. Waldenström) in S.Cnossen and B. Jacobs (ed.) Tax by Design for the Netherlands Oxford University Press (2021) [pdf] [link to book]
  13. Ethnic Background and the Value of Self-Employment Experience: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment [pdf] (with L. Aldén and M. Hammarstedt) Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 83(6): 1287-1310 (2021) [Lead article] [Open Access]
  14. Child Care Subsidies, Quality, and Optimal Income Taxation (with S. Blomquist and L. Micheletto) [pdf][online app.]  American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 12(4): 1-37 (2020) [Lead article]
  15. Ethnicity and Tax Filing Behavior (with T. Giebe and C. Miao) [pdf] Journal of Urban Economics 116 (2020) 103215 [Open Access]
  16. How Should Capital Be Taxed? [pdf] (with D. Waldenström)  Journal of Economic Surveys 34(4): 812-846 (2020) [Open Access] Media: Vox EU, The Economist, Bloomberg
  17. Pareto efficient income taxation without single-crossing (with S. Blomquist and L. Micheletto) [pdf]  Social Choice and Welfare 55: 547–594 (2020) [Open Access]
  18. The Welfare-Enhancing Role of Parental Leave Mandates (with T. Blumkin and L. Micheletto) [pdf] Journal of Law, Economics and Organization 35(1) p. 77-126 (2019) [Open Access]
  19. Nonlinear and Piece-Wise Linear Income Taxation and the Subsidization of Work-Related Goods (with S. Blomquist and L. Micheletto) [pdf] International Tax and Public Finance 26(4), p. 806-834 (2019) [Open Access]
  20. Public Pensions in a Multi-Period Mirrleesian Income Tax Model (with S. Blomquist and L. Micheletto) in The Taxation of Pensions, eds. Robert Holzmann and John Piggott, The MIT Press 2018 [link]
  21. Political Preferences for Redistribution in Sweden  Journal of Economic Inequality 15(4), p. 345-367 (2017) (with J. Lundberg) [pdf][Open Access]
  22. Optimal Commodity Taxation with Varying Quality of Goods, Research in Economics 70(1), p. 89-100 (2016) (with S. Blomquist and L. Micheletto) [pdf] [special issue in public finance]
  23. Optimal Wage Redistribution in the Presence of Adverse Selection in the Labor Market, Journal of Public Economics Volume 131, p. 41-57 (2015) (with T. Blumkin and L. Micheletto) [pdf]
  24. Using the Discrete Model to Derive Optimal Income Tax Rates,  FinanzArchiv: Public Finance Analysis 71(1) 71, p. 106-117(12) (2015) [pdf]
  25. How Should Commodities be Taxed? A Counterargument to the Recommendation in the Mirrlees Review, Oxford Economic Papers, 67 (2): 455-478 (2015) (with S. Blomquist and J. Pirttilä) [pdf] [Open Access]
  26. Evaluer les limites à la redistribution : approches partielles ou approche globale? Economie et Statistique n°467-468 (2014) (with L. Simula) [pdf]
  27. Bunching and Non-Bunching at Kink Points of the Swedish Tax Schedule, Journal of Public Economics 109, p. 36–49 (2014) (with H. Selin) [pdf]
  28. The Welfare Gains of Age Related Optimal Income Taxation, International Economic Review Volume 54, Issue 4, p. 1219–1249 (2013) [pdf] (with S. Blomquist and L. Micheletto)
  29. Gender-Based and Couple-Based Taxation, International Tax and Public Finance Volume 20, Issue 4 (2013), p. 653-686 [pdf]

TAX POLICY (mostly in Swedish)

  • AI, ekonomin och skattepolitikens framtid (with D. Waldenström) Ekonomisk Debatt, Vol. 52, Nr 5/2024 [link]
  • Perspektiv på konsumtionsbeskattning, IFAU rapport 2022:10 [link]
  • Hur bör konsumtion beskattas? SNS Förlag, 2021. [link]
  • Vad styr svenskarnas attityder till skatter? (with D. Waldenström) Ekonomisk Debatt, Vol 47, Nr 4/2019 [link]
  • Skillnad på marginalen – en ESO-rapport om reformerad inkomstbeskattning (with H. Selin) [link] [summary in English]
  • Kapitalbeskattningens förutsättningar i Sverige (with D. Waldenström and Å. Hansson) Ekonomisk Debatt, Vol 46, Nr 2/2018.[pdf]
  • Kapitalbeskattningens förutsättningar, SNS Konjunkturrådsrapport 2018, SNS Förlag, Stockholm, 2018 (with D. Waldenström and Å. Hanssson)[pdf]
  • Gender Wage Gap and the Welfare-Enhancing Role of Parental Leave Rules, ifo DICE Report 15 (2), 2017, 03-07 (with T. Blumkin and L. Micheletto) [pdf]
  • Välfärdsekonomi ur svenskt perspektiv Ekonomisk Debatt (Journal of the Swedish Economic Association), Vol 42, Nr 4/2014
  • Makten över Skatten – optimal beskattning med ett globalt perspektiv Sysselsättning och Tillväxt i Europa, Global Utmaning (2013) [pdf]
  • Finns det en anhopning av skattebetalare vid brytpunkten för statlig inkomstskatt?
    Ekonomisk Debatt (Journal of the Swedish Economic Association), Vol 40, Nr. 1/2012. (with H. Selin) [pdf]
  • Vad är Optimal Beskattning? Framtider, Nr. 3/2010, Institute for Future Studies (with T. Aronsson and S. Blomquist)