- Optimal Delayed Taxation in the Presence of Financial Frictions (with Marius A. K. Ring) Last updated: October, 2024.
- The Capital Advantage: Comparing Returns to Ability in the Labor and Capital Markets (with K. Karlsson, J. Kolsrud and D. Waldenström) Last updated: October, 2024.
- Overconfidence and Gender Gaps in Career Outcomes: Insights from a Promotion Signaling Model (with T. Giebe and O. Gürtler) Last updated: November, 2024.
- Taxation of Housing in a Mirrleesian Context when Urban Land is Scarce (with S. Blomquist, F. Gahvari, L. Micheletto and K. Tayibov) Last updated: October, 2024. Revise and Resubmit European Economic Review
- Optimal Redistribution and Education Signaling (with T. Blumkin and L. Micheletto) International Economic Review (forthcoming)
- The Marginal Value of Public Funds: A Brief Guide and Application to Tax Policy (2024) International Tax and Public Finance
- AI, Automation and Taxation (with D. Waldenström) (2024) Handbook on Labour Market Transformations edited by Stefano Scarpetta and Stéphane Carcillo, Edward Elgar. [link to book] [IZA Newsroom] [VoxEU]
- How Should Consumption Be Taxed? (with S. Koehne) FinanzArchiv: European Journal of Public Finance 80(3): 259-302 (2024)
- Household Specialization and Competition for Promotion (with L. Dickmanns, T. Giebe and O. Gürtler) (2024) Review of Economics of the Household (forthcoming)
- Taxing the Wealthy: The Choice Between Wealth and Capital Income Taxation (with D. Waldenström) Oxford Review of Economic Policy 39(3): 604-616 (2023) [Part of the issue Taxing the rich (more), eds. İrem Güçeri Joel Slemrod] [Summary on VoxEU]
- Nonlinear Taxation of Income and Education in the Presence of Income-Misreporting [pdf] (with F. Gahvari and L. Micheletto) Journal of Public Economic Theory 25(4): 679-726 (2023) [Open Access]
- Simple Equilibria in General Contests (with T. Giebe and O. Gürtler) [pdf] Games and Economic Behavior 134: 264–280 (2022) [Open Access]
- Immigrant-Native Differences in Long-Term Self-Employment [pdf] (with L. Aldén, M. Hammarstedt and C. Miao) Small Business Economics 58: 1661–1697 (2022) [Open Access]
- The Ability Gradient in Tax Responsiveness [pdf] (with D. Waldenström) Journal of Public Economics Plus 2 (2021) 100007 [Open Access] Media: Vox EU, FAZ
- Perceptions of Inherited Wealth and the Support for Inheritance Taxation [pdf] (with D. Waldenström) Economica 88(350): 532-569 (2021) [Open Access] Media: Washington Post
- The Anatomy of the Extensive Margin Labor Supply Response (with H. Selin and Y. Moberg) [pdf] Scandinavian Journal of Economics 123(1): 33-59 (2021) [Open Access]
- Wealth and Inheritance Taxation: Theory and Evidence from the Nordic Countries (with D. Waldenström) in S.Cnossen and B. Jacobs (ed.) Tax by Design for the Netherlands Oxford University Press (2021) [pdf] [link to book]
- Ethnic Background and the Value of Self-Employment Experience: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment [pdf] (with L. Aldén and M. Hammarstedt) Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 83(6): 1287-1310 (2021) [Lead article] [Open Access]
- Child Care Subsidies, Quality, and Optimal Income Taxation (with S. Blomquist and L. Micheletto) [pdf][online app.] American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 12(4): 1-37 (2020) [Lead article]
- Ethnicity and Tax Filing Behavior (with T. Giebe and C. Miao) [pdf] Journal of Urban Economics 116 (2020) 103215 [Open Access]
- How Should Capital Be Taxed? [pdf] (with D. Waldenström) Journal of Economic Surveys 34(4): 812-846 (2020) [Open Access] Media: Vox EU, The Economist, Bloomberg
- Pareto efficient income taxation without single-crossing (with S. Blomquist and L. Micheletto) [pdf] Social Choice and Welfare 55: 547–594 (2020) [Open Access]
- The Welfare-Enhancing Role of Parental Leave Mandates (with T. Blumkin and L. Micheletto) [pdf] Journal of Law, Economics and Organization 35(1) p. 77-126 (2019) [Open Access]
- Nonlinear and Piece-Wise Linear Income Taxation and the Subsidization of Work-Related Goods (with S. Blomquist and L. Micheletto) [pdf] International Tax and Public Finance 26(4), p. 806-834 (2019) [Open Access]
- Public Pensions in a Multi-Period Mirrleesian Income Tax Model (with S. Blomquist and L. Micheletto) in The Taxation of Pensions, eds. Robert Holzmann and John Piggott, The MIT Press 2018 [link]
- Political Preferences for Redistribution in Sweden Journal of Economic Inequality 15(4), p. 345-367 (2017) (with J. Lundberg) [pdf][Open Access]
- Optimal Commodity Taxation with Varying Quality of Goods, Research in Economics 70(1), p. 89-100 (2016) (with S. Blomquist and L. Micheletto) [pdf] [special issue in public finance]
- Optimal Wage Redistribution in the Presence of Adverse Selection in the Labor Market, Journal of Public Economics Volume 131, p. 41-57 (2015) (with T. Blumkin and L. Micheletto) [pdf]
- Using the Discrete Model to Derive Optimal Income Tax Rates, FinanzArchiv: Public Finance Analysis 71(1) 71, p. 106-117(12) (2015) [pdf]
- How Should Commodities be Taxed? A Counterargument to the Recommendation in the Mirrlees Review, Oxford Economic Papers, 67 (2): 455-478 (2015) (with S. Blomquist and J. Pirttilä) [pdf] [online appendix] [Open Access]
- Evaluer les limites à la redistribution : approches partielles ou approche globale? Economie et Statistique n°467-468 (2014) (with L. Simula) [pdf]
- Bunching and Non-Bunching at Kink Points of the Swedish Tax Schedule, Journal of Public Economics 109, p. 36–49 (2014) (with H. Selin) [pdf]
- The Welfare Gains of Age Related Optimal Income Taxation, International Economic Review Volume 54, Issue 4, p. 1219–1249 (2013) [pdf] (with S. Blomquist and L. Micheletto)
- Gender-Based and Couple-Based Taxation, International Tax and Public Finance Volume 20, Issue 4 (2013), p. 653-686 [pdf]
TAX POLICY (mostly in Swedish)
- AI, ekonomin och skattepolitikens framtid (with D. Waldenström) Ekonomisk Debatt, Vol. 52, Nr 5/2024 [link]
- Perspektiv på konsumtionsbeskattning, IFAU rapport 2022:10 [link]
- Hur bör konsumtion beskattas? SNS Förlag, 2021. [link]
- Vad styr svenskarnas attityder till skatter? (with D. Waldenström) Ekonomisk Debatt, Vol 47, Nr 4/2019 [link]
- Skillnad på marginalen – en ESO-rapport om reformerad inkomstbeskattning (with H. Selin) [link] [summary in English]
- Kapitalbeskattningens förutsättningar i Sverige (with D. Waldenström and Å. Hansson) Ekonomisk Debatt, Vol 46, Nr 2/2018.[pdf]
- Kapitalbeskattningens förutsättningar, SNS Konjunkturrådsrapport 2018, SNS Förlag, Stockholm, 2018 (with D. Waldenström and Å. Hanssson)[pdf]
- Gender Wage Gap and the Welfare-Enhancing Role of Parental Leave Rules, ifo DICE Report 15 (2), 2017, 03-07 (with T. Blumkin and L. Micheletto) [pdf]
- Välfärdsekonomi ur svenskt perspektiv Ekonomisk Debatt (Journal of the Swedish Economic Association), Vol 42, Nr 4/2014
- Makten över Skatten – optimal beskattning med ett globalt perspektiv Sysselsättning och Tillväxt i Europa, Global Utmaning (2013) [pdf]
- Finns det en anhopning av skattebetalare vid brytpunkten för statlig inkomstskatt?
Ekonomisk Debatt (Journal of the Swedish Economic Association), Vol 40, Nr. 1/2012. (with H. Selin) [pdf] - Vad är Optimal Beskattning? Framtider, Nr. 3/2010, Institute for Future Studies (with T. Aronsson and S. Blomquist)